The Role of White Educators in Antiracist Education
Assumptions and Actions By Elizabeth Denevi
Working Assumptions*
Privilege and prejudice are two sides of the same coin; as I am elevated, someone else is marginalized or oppressed.
It is critical to distinguish between prejudice and racism: racism = prejudice + power + privilege.
I will never see the world through the eyes of a Woman of Color; my attempts to make comparisons of exclusion will never be on par with what People of Color might face in certain contexts.
As a woman, I can relate to gender inequality. In many ways, oppression cuts across social identifiers, but experiences of oppression can be different and need to be recognized.
My White identity includes white privilege as an aspect of my whiteness. It is not all, but it is a part of what it means to be white, and I have to be willing to accept this reality.
Solidarity does not mean everyone thinks alike, but multiracial solidarity is geared toward points of intersection, not a false universalism or false unity. (Peter McLaren)
I do not expect People of Color to thank me or to acknowledge my antiracist work. I consider it my moral responsibility and will not look for validation from People of Color. I am the one who benefits most from multiculturalism.
Individual accountability is what changes cultures; the way I see myself is intimately connected to way I see others. If I don’t understand what it means to be White, or heterosexual, or upper- middle class, how can I ever hope to understand another colleague or student?
If I am called a racist, it is not the end of the conversation. It is the beginning.
I recognize that there will be “slippage” (Enid Lee) in my work, meaning that sometimes I will make mistakes in the process of learning how to dismantle racism. Yet I know I have to pick myself up and keep going, and it will be easier each time.
When I begin to feel complacent, thinking that I have “done” multiculturalism, or if I feel the need to list my multicultural credentials, then I know I still have a lot of work to do.
Explore my own whiteness; become firmly rooted and aware of my own ethnic identity; think about what it means to be White in my school.
See myself as diverse; make sure that “multicultural” is not synonymous with “other than White.”
Distinguish between individual and group identity.
Understand the social, political, and historical role of teaching:
I will teach the way I was taught unless I learn another way.
Teachers are not neutral; teaching strategies and methods are not objective.
We all speak from a particular standpoint based on our experiences.
There is no essential, observable single truth; rather, there are multiple truths.
Everything is not relative, but rather we recognize that cognition — the way we think and learn — is dependent upon experience and context.
Understand and implement multicultural teaching strategies; design a curriculum that is explicitly antiracist; be committed to raising issues of identity development in my classroom.
Learn the distinction between speaking for someone and speaking with someone; be committed to dialogue, as opposed to discussion, when appropriate.
Recognize the difference between intentions and outcomes:
Schools are full of people “who without intending to create racial hurdles or hostility, manage to create a fair amount of both. That they cannot see what they have done is due partly to the fact that they meant no harm and partly to a disinclination to examine whether the assumptions they hold dear are in accord with reality.” (Ellis Cose)
Practice “distinguishing” behavior (Randolph Carter): interrupting prejudice and/or racism, advocating for social justice, being an ally, using my privilege to dismantle systems of oppression.
* This list was inspired by Beverly Daniel Tatum’s working assumptions that she used to begin all of her courses on racial identity development.